Saturday, June 30, 2007

Money Mindset

It had been a while since I last wrote my blog. Today I am here to share with you about the words we parents use that can influence the children money mindset or we money blueprint. I learn this from my guru called T. Harv Eker.

What is a money blueprint?

This is defined by T. Harv Eker in his book called “The Secrets of Millionaire Mind” - as your preset program or way of being in relation to money. This is like a plan or design to your particular home. It is the programming of our past in relation to money.

Our financial blueprint consists of a combination of your thoughts, feelings, and action in relation to money.


Thoughts lead to feelings

Feelings lead to actions

Actions lead to results

How our money blueprint is formed?

All these are formed through the information we received as a young child. Let us take a look at our own childhood experiences, how our parents taught us how to deal with money.

Every one of us was taught how to think and act in relation to money. Where did this information about money come about? It comes form our parents, friends, authority figures, teachers, religious leaders, media and our culture.

Do you agree that different cultures have different way of thinking and different approach with money? Do you remember what did your parents teach you about money when we were young? All these teachings become our conditioning.

What did we hear about money, wealth and rich people when we were growing up?

Do you remember these phrases like money is the root of all evil, money doesn’t grow on trees; money doesn’t buy happiness, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, save your money for rainy days, money is hard to come by, must work hard for money?

All these phrases will be in our subconscious mind and it will remain in our file throughout our entire life unless we do something about it. Our teenager’s money beliefs come from all this conditioning.

Our subconscious conditioning controls our thinking. Our thinking determines our decisions and our decision determine our actions which will eventually determine our outcomes.

We have been subconsciously programmed from young with limiting beliefs that are working against us. Do you know that our subconscious mind determines your behavior and the results we are getting out?

Now we know that our teenagers have these limiting money beliefs and we must reprogrammed our teenagers financial blueprint or money mindset.

The next round I am going to discuss how do we going to reprogram our teenagers mindset.

Your money teen buddy

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