This celebration marks a new year to the Chinese calendar.
During this festive celebration, the children would be the most happy as they will be receiving a red packet called ‘hong bao”. What is ‘hong bao’? This red packet contains money inside which is given during Chinese New Year, weddings, birthdays or any other auspicious events.
Why the red packet must be red? The purpose of the red packet is that the red symbolizes good luck and prosperity.
The cash amount contained is not important but the amount contained has to be in even numbers. The numbers are auspicious and odd numbers are perceived as loneliness. Usually those who are married can only give out “hong bao”. Any unmarried person is eligible regardless of age.
I believe that during this Chinese New Year it is also a good time to teach children to appreciate the meaning of our traditional values. We as parents must teach them the significant of the “hong bao” .
The amount value is not important. I have seen children open up the ‘hong bao’ and say to the parents that the amount inside is very small. It is not whether they receive $20 or even $2. Children must know the custom of receiving “hong bao” as it signifies good wishes and good fortune.
It is also a good time to teach the children to give. Teach them the joy of giving and sharing. Bring them to the orphanage or any charity homes, ask the children to use part of their “hong bao” money to buy some gifts to give and share. It makes them realize where they are and how fortunate they are to have what we have.
This Chinese New Year is a good time to teach the children that money is a valuable tool that can use to help others. By giving part of their ‘hong bao” it can make someone else happy.
We can teach the values of money to our children in any occasion. As long it is fun the children will always learn better.
Gong Xi Fatt Chai to all who celebrate this festive season. Happy collecting 'hong bao' and Happy learning.
Christina Hue
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